Marie scores 5-star rear-facing safety performance

Yes, you’ve read correctly. Our beloved rotating children’s car seat, Marie, achieved a five-star rating in frontal and side-impact crashes when used in rear-facing position. 

In a previous blog post, we covered how independent crash testing institutes – ADAC, TCS and ÖAMTC – work, the different criteria taken into account and what the results mean. This time, we’re taking a closer look at Marie’s excellent rear-facing safety performance. 

Before we start, here’s a quick round-up of some basics.  

Let’s refresh your memory

Twice a year – in May and October – a consortium of independent European automobile clubs (ADAC, TCS and ÖAMTC) and consumer organisations (such as Stiftung Warentest) carry out crash tests on a number of children’s car seats. Published by numerous consumer organisations throughout Europe, the results are based on four main categories: Safety, Handling, Ergonomics and Harmful Substances, and serve as an indicator to consumers. 

In October 2021, the independent crash testing institutes tested a total of 26 children’s car seats; among them was our beautiful Marie 3. Despite receiving a solid “Good” in the overall safety category, our beloved rotating car seat scored a five-star rating – “Very Good” – when used rear-facing. (This result also applies to the previous generation, Marie 2, that was part of the spring 2021 tests.)

This means that both versions offer the same safety standards as the best rear-facing only seats in the market. 

What’s the difference between rear-facing and forward-facing?

It’s widely acknowledged that rear-facing car seats provide greater protection for your little ones in frontal collisions. When rear-facing, the pressure generated by a frontal impact is distributed across the child’s back, thus reducing the strain on its head, neck and spine. Whilst similar forces are at work in side-impact collisions, the impact is slightly softened in rear collisions as the car is moving in the opposite direction and the space of the boot serves as a crumple zone. 

In fact, rear-facing seats are mandatory for babies until the minimum age of 15 months under the UN ECE R129 regulations. However, we highly recommend having your little ones ride rear-facing for as long as possible. 

For more details and tips, please check out our blog post on why rear-facing car seats are safer for your child.

Swandoo's rotating car seat, Marie, achieved a five-star safety performance in rear-facing position

What does this five-star performance mean?

Don’t get us wrong, we are not complaining. Scoring a 2.0 result in the safety category of the independent consumer tests is “Good”. Actually, for a convertible seat it is one of the best results achieved in this category. Yet, we believe it’s important for you as parents to know that Marie is even safer in a rear-facing position with a “Very Good” five-star rating!

By highlighting the differences in the crash test results, we wanted to emphasise once again the importance of having your little ones ride rear-facing beyond the required age of 15 months. With a 5-star rear-facing safety performance, Marie shows the results from our commitment to developing the safest products in the market.

Child safety is at the heart of what we do. Whilst we’ve made it our mission to develop the best products – products we trust with the lives of our own children – we also see it as our responsibility to spread our knowledge and expertise in child safety and help as many other parents as possible in protecting their little ones. 


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