Universal Footmuff


The coolest way to keep warm!


When the temperatures drop, the fun doesn’t stop!

Who doesn’t love snuggling up in a big wooly jumper or puffy coat when the temperatures drop into single digits? But as wonderful as these items are for warding off the cold, they are, unfortunately, not appropriate when travelling in a vehicle. In fact, wearing thick and bulky layers of clothing in a car seat can actually lead to excess slack in the harness and compromises the safety of your child. To reduce safety and health risks, simply swap your little one’s winter jacket for a Footmuff. Attached to the crotch pad, it covers your child from feet to shoulders in a cosy and warm layer without creating any dangerous slack in the back and front of your child.  This is the perfect winter accessory for both inside as well as outside the vehicle. And the best thing? Thanks to its universal design, the Footmuff can be used on any car seat and stroller with a crotch pad.


Why is slack dangerous?

Any additional layer that separates the child from the seat or harness creates empty space (slack) which delays the effect of the child restraint system increasing the impact energy on the body during an accident.

Versatile use​

To keep out any frosty draughts and ensure your child is fully protected, simply tuck the footmuff behind their shoulders.
For the little ones under 74 cm who love to push aside or kick off the blanket, you can close the top button and secure it behind their neck, like a poncho.

Thanks to the open design, your little ones are not restricted on the sides and can freely move their hands out from under to footmuff. This way they can instinctively regulate their body temperatures in case they get too warm, hold their zippy cup, play with their favourite toy, or, but beware… let out some ‘air’ ; )

Easy to clean

Everyone loves a warm bath. Your Footmuff also needs one every now and then. Remember to always hand wash your Footmuff with a gentle detergent, and let it air dry. This will keep it fresh so your little one can enjoy its warmth.


Quick & Easy Installation


Підходить для дітей віком приблизно до чотирьох років (105 см). Легко адаптуйте його довжину до розміру вашої дитини для оптимальної посадки.


Made from high-quality materials, the footmuff is cosy and warm.


The cosy interior is warm and soft on your child, while the outer layer is water repellent and windproof, offering high protection from the elements.

Need somebody to keep you warm? We're here for you!

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