Záruční podmínky

24 June 2023

Naše výrobky vyvíjíme s velkou láskou a péčí. Děkujeme vám, že jste si tento výrobek zakoupili a svěřili nám svou rodinu!

Since your satisfaction is very important to us, we want you to enjoy your product for as long as possible. The trust in our own quality and the performance of this product is reflected in the following warranty policy (“Záruční podmínky“).

§ 1. Předmět této záruční politiky

(1) Swandoo GmbH, Landstrasser Hauptstrasse 71/101, 1030 Vídeň, Rakousko (dále jen "Swandoo" nebo "my") je globální společnost, která se specializuje na vývoj a distribuci prémiových výrobků pro děti, zejména bezpečnostních a lifestylových řešení. Všechny aktuálně dostupné výrobky si můžete prohlédnout prostřednictvím našich webových stránek swandoo.com.

(2) Kromě zákonné záruky poskytuje společnost Swandoo dobrovolnou doživotní záruku na modely Charlie (CRS/Dětská bezpečnostní sedačka i-velikost 100-150 cm), Marie3 (CRS/Dětská bezpečnostní sedačka i-velikost 40-105 cm), Curie (CRS/Dětská bezpečnostní sedačka i-velikost 40-105 cm), Albert Lite (CRS/Dětská bezpečnostní sedačka R44 40-85cm), Albert iSize (CRS/Dětská bezpečnostní sedačka i-Size 40-85cm) prodávaných v roce 2020 a později společností Swandoo nebo autorizovanými prodejci společnosti Swandoo, které lze uplatnit za podmínek uvedených v těchto záručních podmínkách. Snažíme se pokrýt co nejvíce případů v rámci naší záruky, ale žádáme vás o pochopení, že nemůžeme opravit nebo vyměnit každý výrobek v každém případě.

§ 2. Oblast působnosti

(1) The scope of this voluntary lifetime warranty is limited to Swandoo products having been bought via Swandoo or at an authorised Swandoo dealer. Warranty claims can thus only be processed by us, if you supply evidence in this regard. Within that context, it is sufficient to submit to us a copy of the invoice received on the date of purchase. We might be able to verify the legitimacy of your purchase through our systems. However, we are under no obligation to accept warranty claims if the invoice has been lost. Dealers who are authorised to sell Swandoo products are listed on and can be found via our store locator under swandoo.com/wheretofindus/.

(2) This Warranty Policy covers warranty claims for Swandoo products sold in all countries where a respective sales structure is operated by authorised Swandoo dealers.

(3) The lifetime warranty is only granted with regard to contracts concluded under the existence of this Warranty Policy. Products having been purchased under previous warranty regulations will remain subject to those provisions. Hence, the conditions granted at the time of the conclusion of the respective contract shall continue to apply.

§ 3. Warranty period

(1) Swandoo intends to provide customers with a voluntary lifetime warranty that is, however, limited by the conditions set out in this Warranty Policy.

(2) Within the context of this Warranty Policy, the term “lifetime” shall have the meaning average lifetime of the purchased product. Due to factors which cannot be influenced by Swandoo, the guaranteed average product lifetime and thus the period of the lifetime warranty is limited to eight (8) years.

(3) All fabric parts shall be subject to a reduced warranty period of three (3) years [see also § 5. (2)].

(4) The above mentioned period of eight (8) respectively three (3) years for which the warranty exists shall be conditional upon the continued existence and ownership identity of Swandoo. In particular, a warranty claim shall no longer exist in the event of a bankruptcy proceeding against the company, liquidation of the company or if the company is sold.

§ 4. Conditions and procedure to exercise warranty claims

Naše doživotní záruka na naše výrobky odráží naši důvěru ve vysokou kvalitu našeho návrhu, konstrukce, výroby a výkonu výrobků. Abyste mohli v případě potřeby co nejrychleji a nejsnadněji využít náš záruční servis, prostudujte si prosím níže uvedené podmínky. a postupujte podle příslušných pokynů, jak je uvedeno:

(1) In order to be entitled to assert your warranty claims in the future, please note that you must purchase the respective product via an authorised Swandoo dealer [see § 2. (2)].

(2) Furthermore, you have to register the newly acquired product within three (3) months after purchase via our website under swandoo.com/register-product, if you wish to activate your warranty.

(3) If you want to assert your warranty claim in case of a defect, please present your proof of purchase (invoice) and the product’s serial number located on the bottom of the product and provide a description of the specific problem by email or registered letter to the contact address indicated in § 8.

(4) We will examine your warranty claim and provide you with further instructions on how to proceed subsequently. We will thus inform you, (i) if you need to ship your product to us in accordance with our instructions given at that time (in that case, we will pay for shipment), (ii) if you need to return the product to an authorised Swandoo dealer or (iii) if we refuse your warranty claim for specified reasons.

Pokud je však jasně zřejmé, že oprava vadného výrobku není možná, můžeme vás požádat, abyste jej zlikvidovali sami. V takových případech vás požádáme, abyste přestřihli bezpečnostní pás výrobku, seškrábli jeho registrační štítek a předali nám fotografii jako důkaz, že výrobek již nelze používat. Poté vám neprodleně poskytneme nový výrobek. Upozorňujeme, že se jedná o nabídku z naší strany, abychom zajistili co nejrychlejší vyřízení vaší reklamace s vynaložením co nejmenších nákladů, přičemž úspěšným vyřízením reklamace již tento krok končí. V žádném případě nejste povinni výrobek samostatně zlikvidovat a můžete zvolit standardní postup, jak je uvedeno výše a níže.

(5) As soon as we respectively or our authorised dealers have received the product, we will once again examine the validity of your warranty claim. At this point, we are still entitled to refuse your warranty claim for specified reasons. In case we consider your warranty claim valid, we will either repair the defect or replace the product, whereby we shall be responsible to make the respective choice.

(6) Should you desire to have the defect repaired by a third party, you must obtain authorisation by Swandoo in advance. Such service request can be submitted by email or registered letter to the contact address indicated in § 8. Swandoo will in no case refund any costs without prior authorisation.

§ 5. Warranty extent, exclusions and limitations; burden of proof

(1) The voluntary lifetime warranty does not cover normal tear and wear as well as damages caused by incorrect use, abuse, negligence or ordinary accidents due to carelessness (e.g. drop damage). This exclusion is not applicable in relation to car accidents which are covered by our product replacement service. Any customer of Swandoo having experienced a car accident which lead to the destruction or damage of a Swandoo Child Safety Seat has the option to participate in our product replacement service under the following conditions: (i) The product was acquired by the customer first-hand and not purchased as an used item; (ii) the customer can present the original invoice as proof of purchase; (iii) a report on the matter is submitted to Swandoo within thirty (30) days after the accident by using the product replacement form available under swandoo.com/support; (iv) Swandoo remains expressly entitled to ask for a police and / or insurance report in order to validate the case; (v) Swandoo will replace the defective product with the same or similar (e.g. due to a product update) type of product, whereby the customer is not entitled to demand a certain colour; monetary compensation is not possible; (vi) the damaged seat is to be returned to Swandoo for internal analysis purposes. If the customer can and agrees to fulfill these prerequisites, the report may be submitted to Swandoo using the contact details provided on § 8. The exchange itself will be handled by the authorised Swandoo dealer you have purchased the product from [see § 2. (2)]. Please visit your Swandoo dealer after we have accepted your claim by written notification. The same general approach shall apply if the customer was not part of the accident, but can prove that the incident occurred and asserts the claim himself by presenting the invoice and other necessary documents as outlined above. In this case the customer has to fill out a form, which is available under swandoo.com/support and send it directly to hello@swandoo.com. After authorization from Swandoo and a written confirmation, the customer can visit his/her Swandoo dealer to make use of the product replacement service.

(2) The lifetime warranty shall cover all manufacturing and material defects existing at the date of the purchase or appearing at a later point in time. However, all fabric parts shall be subject to a limited warranty period of three (3) years.

(3) For a period of six (6) months from the date of purchase, the assumption that the product was already defective upon purchase or that the defect was caused by processing errors or other errors attributable to Swandoo may apply. Within that period, Swandoo will repair or replace defective products unless the defect was obviously caused by the customer [cf. § 5. (1)]. After this specified time of six (6) months has elapsed, the customer shall have to prove that the defect cannot be traced back to his handling of the product.

§ 6. Statutory warranty

The provisions concerning our voluntary lifetime warranty shall in no case affect the customer’s statutory warranty right, which may be exercised independently of the other provisions stipulated in this Warranty Policy under the following conditions:

(1) According to the statutory warranty the customer can exercise the right stated in § 6. (3) in case of material defects, which exist or have at least already existed at the time of delivery of the goods as well as for defects of title. The limitation period for asserting warranty claims shall be twenty-four (24) months and shall start upon the customer’s actual receipt of the goods in the event of material defects. For defects of title, the day on which the customer becomes aware of the defect shall be decisive.

(2) The customers statutory warranty rights shall be exercised towards the authorized Swandoo dealer from whom the product was acquired and not towards Swandoo directly.

(3) In the first six (6) months, it is assumed that the goods were already defective at that time. For defects of title, the day on which the customer becomes aware of the defect shall be decisive. In the first six (6) months, it is assumed that the goods were already defective at that time.

(4) Depending on the type and gravity of the defect, the customer can choose whether the defect should be repaired (improvement) or whether the affected goods should be replaced (exchange). A rescission of the contract (or price reduction) is only possible within the framework of the legal requirements, in particular if the customer’s request is not complied with within a reasonable period of time, or if improvement or replacement are not possible.

§ 7. Final provisions

(1) This Warranty Policy shall be governed by Austrian law under the exclusion of the United Nation’s Convention on “Contracts for the International Sale of Goods”. However, the statutory provisions limiting the choice of law with respect to natural persons for whom the purchase of our products cannot be attributed to their professional or commercial activity (consumers) shall remain unaffected. In particular, the customer having a warranty claim under this Warranty Policy shall regardless of the choice of law be in accordance with Art. 6 para. 2 of Regulation (EC) No. 593/2008 (Rome I Regulation) entitled to invoke the mandatory protection of the law which would be applicable without such choice.

(2) Should any disputes arise directly or indirectly from this Warranty Policy, they shall be resolved by the competent court in Vienna. Consumers in the meaning of § 7. (1) shall have the option to file a complaint with the competent court in their country of residence as well. However, we would ask you to contact us in case of any problems first in order to seek an amicable solution.

(3) This Warranty Policy shall solely apply in the version that existed at the time the product in question was purchased [see also § 2. (3)]. Swandoo reserves the right to change this Warranty Policy slightly or comprehensively at any time. Such change shall in no case affect products already purchased. Therefore, the customer will receive a copy of this Warranty Policy in its valid version with each purchase, either per email or handed over personally.

§ 8. Warrantor; contact details

The voluntary lifetime warranty is provided by Swandoo GmbH and can be claimed under the procedure described in § 4. Please send the necessary requests within that context to the following contact address:

Swandoo GmbH
Nördliche Münchner Straße 47
82031 Grünwald
Email: hello@swandoo.com

If you have any questions or concerns about a specific product from us, its user manual or this Warranty Policy, please contact us before using the product.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

With warm regards from Vienna,
Your Swandoo team.