Voluntary Albert Recall for Repair or Exchange

Please input the serial number located on the gray-orange sticker on the bottom side of Albert, and find out if your product is part of this limited recall.

Note: No other Swandoo products are part of this program.

What now? Our Service Process​

If cleared, carry on enjoying your double test-winning Albert.

If confirmed, or you get a void result please contact your local retailer or our customer service team immediately, your seat may be within the specific Albert batch affected. Please proceed with one of the following options below:

Repair Albert: Please contact us at albert@swandoo.eu. The repair will be completed within the week once initiated.

Exchange Albert: Please take your Albert back to your chosen retailer who will initiate an exchange for another Albert.

Exchange for Marie 3: As a special offer to our extended family, and to acknowledge that you may have been moving on from Albert soon, we would like to give you the chance to upgrade to Marie 3 for just 99 Euros. We can initiate an exchange with you once you have correctly disposed of Albert (please contact the customer service team).

We apologise to anyone affected and thank you for your continued support and understanding. 

Need further support? We're here for you.

If you have any other questions about your seat contact us or drop us a line at hello@swandoo.com